When purchasing or selling your property, you must ensure that there are compliant smoke alarms and safety switches installed in the property.
In Queensland, it is an offence under the Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990 if a compliant smoke alarm is not installed and under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002, all domestic residences constructed since June 1992 must have an approved safety switch installed.
As a Seller, it is your obligation to notify the prospective Buyer whether there are compliant smoke alarms and safety switches installed in the dwelling. This information must be disclosed through the standard Queensland REIQ Contracts.
As a Buyer, you must be aware of your responsibilities after settlement. For example, if the Seller has disclosed in the Contract that a safety switch has not been installed then you must, within 3 months after the date of possession, have an approved safety switch installed. Further, with the new changes to the legislation, you must ensure that all smoke alarms are installed and positioned in every bedroom of the dwelling and all must be interconnected. Failure to do so may incur penalties.
If you are unaware if your house complies with the set standards you should get a licensed electrician to inspect your property.